Digital Vehicle
Recovery System 360

Wildland Firefighting

Wildland firefighters are tasked with combating wildfires and preventing future fires from starting. Wildland firefighting agencies operate at the federal level (National Park Service, Forest Service Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs), the state level (Fish and Game, Land Management, Emergency Services, Fire and Rescue), and at the local level where forest land lies within the incorporated area. While some wildland firefighters work year-round and some work only during the fire season, the work is always strenuous, and positions are always highly competitive to join a team.

We at Digital Vehicle Recovery System360, “dvrs360”; have invented a way to track each firefighter while they are on the fire line. Our system is our Personnel Location System, “PLS”. Our system was invented for all fire fighters’ safety in mind, we are a company that deals with the really hard items in firefighter’s safety.